Partner Festivals
- Frameline San Francisco
- ImageOut Rochester, USA
- Hamburg International Queer Film Festival
- Paris International Lesbian & Feminist Film Festival
- Pink Screens, Brussels
- Torino Gay & Lesbian Film Festival
- Teddy Award Berlin
- Pink Panorama: Lesbian and gay film festival, Lucerne
- Queersicht: Lesbian and gay film festival, Bern
- Uncut Bern: Queer cinema, Bern
- Luststreifen: Queer cinema, Basel
- Dachverband Regenbogenfamilien: LGBTQ families in Switzerland
- FELS: Friends and parents of lesbians and gays
- GLL: Gleichgeschlechtliche Liebe Leben - das andere Schulprojekt
- HAZ: Homosexual working group, Zurich
- HOT: Homosexual organisation, Thurgau
- ILGA: International lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex association
- LOS: Lesbian organisation Switzerland
- Network: Gay leadership
- Pink Cross: Swiss umbrella organisation for homosexual men
- Queeramnesty: Queeramnesty Switzerland
- Queerdom: Non-profit association for Lesbians, Bisexuals & Gays, Schaffhausen
- Wybernet: Network for professionally engaged lesbian women